Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Migration

My fellow photographers, Don & Sher, {link... "Are we there yet?" in my blog roll} can attest to the fact of what the local wetlands are like here this time of the year.

There is one area in particular just a few miles from my house that has thousands of migrating geese of several types hanging at. This morning I discovered a huge flock of White Geese among the more typical Ring Necks and Canadians. The spot is just west of the Durkeetown church... for Don and Sher in case you're reading this.

I took several shots... this being the better of the bunch. I also had the opportunity to see and shoot a Red Tail Hawk nearby. She seems to frequent this spot also. The upper Hudson Valley offers the migratory geese a sanctuary. I could hear flocks flying over our house last night. They are loud!!


Starla said...

I was telling my mom about your photos and I said that many of your photos remind me of KY. She could not believe that you live in NY and you have beautiful photos. Most people think of NY as a city place. I think you live in a lovely place.

Don and Sher said...

Thanks for the mention, we drove over there but only saw Canada geese and no Snow geese but it was still a good ride, saw five hawks 3 Red-tail and two Northern harriers.
But by reading the paper mayber I should have back to South Bay.