A couple of days ago my wife Pattyjo and I were out together. She was determined to get a bee in flight and spent most of the battery life in her P&S trying. She did manage to get some gorgeous shots... but that flying bee... well she had one nearly knock her over. I love her determination and concentration, one day she'll own a DSLR and I will relish in her joy when she succeeds.
Have a nice day Mrs. B.
Have a nice day Mrs. B.
Oh wow! Fantastic picture! Well..she spent most of the battery life in this shot...though believe me, it was worth it!
have a nice day! :)
And another amazing bee photograph!
Go Pattyjo. It's so great you guys share your love of photography. My husband and I enjoy watching the weeds in our garden slowly take over in spite of our best efforts or lack of them.
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